is a good guy and indescribably worth knowing.
Abraham was his friend; you are, too.
God wants all of us to worship Him as God Almighty, but He also wants us
to understand that we are His friends.
forget: Even though He is Almighty God and you are his friend, pride should
have NO purchase in your heart or mind because no matter how deep your
relationship is with Him, he will
judge sin and wrongdoing; He will
correct you, just as any engaged,
loving father would do. Having said
this, in His faithfulness, love and fatherhood, you will find peace, love, wise
counsel, and eternal friendship.
whole thing sometimes seems absurd, doesn’t it? How can one person, standing on
a speck of a planet in an extravagant universe, know God and be His friend (or
anything even close)?
David, too, pondered this question in the eighth Psalm, v. 4, “What is man that
you think of him, man that you care for him?”
all, when was the last time the ruler of your country called and asked to be
your friend? Why would the ruler and
creator of everything want to
befriend you or me…to allow us to know Him?
don’t have that answer! All I know, from all I’ve read and from my
own experiences, is that this is exactly what He wants to
can’t begin to understand what God sees in me that He considers it worth the
bother. What can I possibly bring to the table?
conclusion is that His character is love, fatherhood and relationship. He went
to the point of moving heaven and earth through His Son’s death to reconnect
with you and me, because He places great value people on folks like us.
it possibly be that God sees us in our defeats, battles and losses and cheers
for us – not excusing our sin, but seeing the hordes of dark evil spirits
working against us and impossible odds of being saved (“easier for a camel to
go through the eye of a needle”), he helps us, the underdogs – choosing us,
caring for us?