
Monday, June 29, 2015


You have consoled me because You have spoken to the heart of your servant.

Refreshed and helped in my time of need with kind words. Mercy and kindness.

Redeem, buy and bring out of problems/tragedy etc. – and bring into a good life. 

Friday, June 26, 2015


Faith is the certainty of what is hoped for and the conviction of what we cannot see.

Defeat Your Saboteurs is about the unseen spirit dimension and the reality of what Jesus did through his death and resurrection.  

It will help you build conviction of your multi-dimensional life and how to get and receive what God has for you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Currently reading Proverbs, and I've noticed that it's full of lessons in...

  • justice
  • righteousness
  • diligence produces abundance, while running around like crazy does not 
  • learn if rebuked
  • it is joy for the just to do justice and live in justice
  • seeking delights will make you poor
  • laziness and desires/goals don’t make life
  • wisdom brings rewards 
  • justice and mercy are life
  • the right person gives and is not greedy
  • the right person orders his way/road
  • good names are worth much
  • have humility and fear of God
  • mercy is blessed

Monday, June 22, 2015


“God said that Abraham was his friend (Is 41:8).  

That is what I want to be” 

stated Jack Parsons to me about a year after I had an encounter with Jesus in a parking lot in Kona, Hawaii.  

35 years later I still think that is the best statement about the purpose of life and what God desires.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


God gives peace to those whose minds are fixed on HIM. 

Are you focusing your thoughts and actions on what HIS will for your life is? 
The road may be long, but it is worth it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

PHOTO | Sabotage

Is your life hard? Do happiness and the good life escape you? You need to know what's happening in the spiritual realm and how to defend yourself against the saboteurs who sail its seas right into your life!

Friday, June 5, 2015


Currently reading Ecclesiastes – Solomon did not find lasting satisfaction in works.  Life is meaningless without God.  Works, building, etc. are worthless unless for someone’s benefit, either man’s, God’s or God’s creation benefit…for God.  Happiness is not found in the things of this world if only for their own sake.  Purpose, meaning, joy, fulfillment all has to come from God.  If there is no God, all of life is without worth except what our bodies and selves put on it, and that is not lasting.  Only in God, eternal life and service to him is there ultimate meaning.  Still, there are preferences and interests that we acquire and/or are born with; for example, I like to write, fly, ski, and I like boats and being on them and being at sea.
Reading Ecclesiastes, God sets the patterns of our lives:  birth, death, planting, pulling up, killing, healing, sorrow, joy, kissing, not kissing, finding, losing, tearing, mending, silence, talk, love, hate, war and peace.  All people will experience these things, we are individuals, but the framework of life as a human being will encompass all these things.  To some extent, we are judged on how we handle them and what we do in our lives, but we can only know what God wants and do it, through his Spirit, and spirits (angels in his service).  There are spirits galore and each has its plan and purpose to take us down their roads for their selfish purposes….even as they give us pleasure.  Only God and those spirits in his services, act for our total good coupled with his love for others. 

Much of our lives with other persons involves, in some way, the shared experience of life.  Loved ones and friends share much of or a specific part of our lives.  Literature, movies, art share the experience/impression and exploration of the meaning of life.

The Bible is about God, his life, his wants, and our interaction with him, as well as what life is to be coupled with him.  We are allowed pleasures, joy, and meaning, as well as service to him.  David and Solomon, while having other issues, also enjoyed life and explored it…Solomon especially, but he lost the God focus in his activities that would have made them meaningful.  Still, Solomon lived to the full in his pursuit of life on earth.  That is allowed, and is of some value to God and mankind.  Also, Solomon noted the injustices, etc. and wrote of them.   He had eyes in his head to see what was happening even in Israel under his rule.   He pondered all these things.  I get enjoyment out of exploring life through literature and considering existence from the creative standpoint.

The New Testament is about being right with God through Jesus and relationships with believers and others, as well as God’s behavioral standards and relationship policies/morals in the real context of good and evil. 

Monday, June 1, 2015


As I read the Bible this morning, I'm noticing how the Bible is about encounters with the spirit world, followed by MIRACLES/SIGNS/WONDERS/HEALINGS/PROPHECY, and lots of teaching. Based upon the manifested power of God in the case of Jesus, and by threats or "I told you so" and promises of restoration if you repent (Old Testament).  In both cases, either at the beginning (Moses, etc.) or at the time (case of Jesus) and when the armies were attacking Israel – there was a clear showing of the power of God.  The teaching follows the proofs. Jesus is credible because of what he was doing – that is what convinced his disciples of his deity. 

I had a spiritual encounter with Jesus. He then did some things to get me to Kona YWAM, taught me stuff to do to defend myself and move forward in my life, and has shown his provision and the power of his word when coupled with faith.   I have seen his provision, power in the case of Diamond attacking me, and healing through his word.  I have also had a lot of time with him, although I expected more good things in the marriage with Maggie based upon the hope I felt when I learned about him in Hawaii.  Nonetheless, he has extended me lots of grace and provision and friendship in helping me and staying with me.  But I have seen his power and provision, but also some lack of it.  I still have to conclude that I have seen enough of the manifested power of God to have believed all these years and accept the teaching as the truth about the spirit world and God and his ways and provisions.