
Friday, May 5, 2017


As mentioned int he first section of this book, there is a "spiritual fabric" to our lives.  We literally are woven into a spiritual fabric.  This fabric exists prior to our birth.  We are born into the fabric of our families, our ancestors, and their spiritual lives.  What happens to us, and out own actions, further sew us into that fabric and creates new fabric (good or bad).  Once we accept Jesus and understand good and evil and how the spirit dimension works, we can start consciously affecting the weave and begin weaving a new life, freeing ourselves from the undesirable parts of the old.

To expedite this process, it is useful to undo the old fabric with our words.  I do it this way; I say "In the name of Christ Jesus (or Jesus Christ) I rip apart the ungodly and un-useful fabric of my life and I speak and create a new fabric through and in Jesus Christ"