Spiritual life is not the same as spiritual existence. As mentioned earlier, all spirits have external existence but only those connected to God have life. Life is not existence, life is being connected to God (us in Him and Him in us) (john 14:21 & 23, John 17:3). Life is God himself who flows through us, restores us, heals us and blesses us.
Satan has already been judged and sentenced; he cannot repent. He does not have and cannot attain life. He is dead spirit in eternal deterioration. Everything of his kingdoms is technically dead and produces death because they are not connected, and cannot connect, with God. All religions and witchcraft in their various forms open access to the spirit dimension, but are not life. Conscious access to the spirit dimension is nothing more that conscious access. Seeing, hearing, and talking to spirits comes either through seeking access, because of the lack of covering, or generational indwelling spirits.