
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The greatest thing that God has for you is Himself.  From Him, from His nature, flows everything you require: love, life, salvation, understanding, knowledge and all of His blessings.   At His death on the cross, Christ gave you, as your inheritance, oneness with God, so you can have God and enjoy the things that come from Him, from his nature and Being. God is life.

When Moses asked God His name, He defined Himself as “I AM” (Exodus 3:14).  In various other parts of the Bible He elaborates, saying He is the Living God.  In Genesis, the Bible says He created all things, including all living creatures.  He is both alive and gives life.   Life is part of His nature, Who He is; life comes from Him.  His life becomes yours when you accept Jesus as your savior. Through your acceptance of Jesus you connect directly to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit which results in the flow of Life to you.  In John 11:25, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life…” 
The message of the cross is the message of life.  It is life to life and death to death (2 COR 2:16).  It is the way out of the kingdom of death and the way out of Satan, the prince of death.  Satan hates the cross and detests the idea that you should come to know what comes to you through Jesus’ death on it.

Connected to the Source of life, you have access to life and health.  God Himself flows to you.  God’s presence and provision result in healing.  Jesus’ death specifically made a provision for your healing, allowing you to reconnect to God and through His suffering remove your pain and infirmities.

God is Love
The Bible tells us that God is love (I John 4:8).  The Bible also tells us that love is of God (I John 4:7).

 Christ Himself is God (John 1:1).  And to repeat what I wrote earlier, in the gospel of John, Philip asks Christ: "Show us the Father." Christ responded, "I have been with you for so long and yet you do not know me.  Those who have seen me have seen the Father." (John 14:9).  Read what Jesus said, how he acted and what He did.  Jesus was not a prophet (a man inside a human body who spoke God’s words), but God inhabiting a human body.  (Incidentally this is not rocket science; it was a very easy fertilization, similar to cloning, of Mary’s egg that produced a human body.  Instead of sending a human spirit inside it, He went Himself.)  The personality and character of God can be seen in Jesus.  You can see the nature of God by looking at Christ and by looking at what He did for you on the cross when He died. He RESCUED YOU.
God came for you.  He came in the only way he could to legally and factually save you by reuniting you with Himself.  He took away your sins, punishment, and the curses and the evil that exist on and in you.  The cross was not a place of defeat; on the contrary, it was a place of victory and compassion.

 Focus on and understand the sacrifice, pain and hardship and the mind-boggling, emotional experience it was for God to do what He did: come for you and me and take what we so richly deserve so He could get us back.  God wanted and wants you with all His heart.
Let me repeat: God came for you!  He is not mad at you. He came to take away what is between you and Him.  He came because of love.  He loves you.  He came to save you and to welcome you into His family.

A last comment about God’s love: understanding the immensity of creation—(billions of planets), multiple dimensions, 7 billion people on this planet—it can be hard to think that any person is special or personally loved.  However, in the infinite greatness of God He is able and does LOVE us individually and completely…and He has time for each of us as though we were the only one (see section on God’s humor).

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