Christ is the only door through which we have victory over this
world’s systems and Satan’s way of doing things. Because of the cross, we can
leap from death to life. We enter as sinners and condemned (separated from
God); we come out forgiven and free. We enter sick and emerge with the power
and authority to be healthy and whole. We enter filled with sin and come out
clean and being filled with God. We enter under the devil’s authority and come
out a conqueror over the devil, his ways of doing things, and the garbage that
he has put in our lives. The cross is the point of forgiveness, removal of sin
and its stain, and of power. It is where we get united with God, and through Christ’s
death on it have access to the blessings, answers and the help that all human
beings desire. If we follow Christ in and with faith, we have access to all the
blessings of His kingdom.
Satan is on the other side of the cross. Because he is evil he is
sentenced and bound from the cross, so he hates the cross and grace. He hates
God and he hates us even more because we have the option to go through the
cross to life, leaving death and the dead behind; he doesn’t. There is nothing
good, interesting, kind or noble in or about the devil: he is simply evil, out
to destroy God’s creation—you and everything and everyone he can get his hands on.
This promised new life, with authority over the devil and his ways,
belongs to you if and when you elect to take it and begin to fight to leave
behind the ungodly parts of your human nature, your inherited life, your “own”
life, and the world with its bondages and ties that imprison you.
– from Defeat Your Saboteurs
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