
Friday, December 2, 2016

Moving On - Further renunciation and release

A part of renunciation and release is to understand how the spirits work and refusing to "follow" them down the path they want you to travel.  Recognize the road at the beginning, confirm the renunciation and release, and don't go with them.  For example, in the case of anger, don't even begin to get angry.  Don't start down that road, catch yourself at the beginning.  If allowed the spirits will take you to murder.

As mentioned int he first part of this book, the spirits want you to "run" with them.  There are all kinds (families) of spirits to "run" with:  proud spirits, violent spirits, perverse spirits, sad spirits, death spirits (a lot of these), sexual spirits, pleasure spirits of all types, lazy spirits, and on and on.  They want to lead you and also get you to frequent or live in geographical areas they control.

An example is  spirit (not Holy Spirit) led desire to drink alcohol. (Drinking wisely itself is not a sin, if you have no addiction and it does not open you to sin).  A susceptible person goes along with the spirit-led thought of drinking.  After the first drink, the person accepts the idea of another couple of drinks.  Not long after, the spirits (from my observation, they usually run in groups) then suggest dancing at a respectable place (so why no go out)...

Some of the dancers are sexy.  The drinker is now susceptible; sexual desires are aroused and he or she orders another drink and asks a sexy person to dance.  Closeness occurs, arousal occurs.  The body needs no help, but the spirits impose thoughts and graphic images into the person's mind.

The next step: The sexy person suggests a hotter bar.  It is  filled with heavier spirits "vibing" each other and its inhabitants.  The behavior and standards manifested are those of the spirits and the people given over to them.  Relaxed, semi-intoxicated, the person is now in the hands of the spirits; they lead the person as far as he or she will go, into new territory of sexual sin, other drugs (aside from alcohol) and increasing debauchery.  Watch out - get free.  Just run - but it may be too late, you may be in their clutches and too far down the lust road stop.

The leading of any spirit works in similar ways.  Again, the general operating rules of the spirit world are the same for all spirits.  The Holy Spirit works similarly, but with saintly destinations.The Holy Spirit led person will got to a worship service, then to meet with some Christians who choose to speak of the things of God.  A company of Christians is encountered.  Ideas flow: giving to missions, helping someone in need etc.  The person and group move closer to God.  The presence of God (versus evil spirits) grows and everyone moves closer to God and engages in further acts that are useful for everyone along the way.

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