
Monday, April 20, 2015


No power, just a bunch of lies – all other religions are weak in the area of the spirit world and even here in this world. 

They all depend on convincing people of their doctrine and then getting them to fight for it.  If they were truly God they would have the power to show it all by themselves.  Even Jesus, who claims to be God, came without power as a baby.  But there is a MEGA DIFFERENCE.    Jesus was not a weak prophet who died (or was a supposedly reincarnated God who is really just a demon inhabiting a different body generation after generation), Jesus came in the only way he could to get the work done in order to make a person acceptable to God.  

He came without great fanfare (I think in part not to tip off the plan to the devils), to die for us, to cleanse us by his blood sacrifice in our place, and then return to his body to prove his godhood..  That is why he did not come with a great demonstration of power from heaven - a big show was not the mission.  He will return that way though. 

Having said all that, now that his work is done and his power available, Jesus and the church are just one more set of ideas and just one more supposed God/god – the people of Jesus live in the same problems and defeats and illness as the people of Buddha or the world.  

The issue though is not Jesus or his lack of power, it is the same issue as from the beginning – we (mankind) have to make decisions.  The book Defeat Your Saboteurs explains what the Bible says about getting and living what Jesus has provided for us through his birth, death on the cross, and resurrection and life in heaven.  A powerful life is available.  I have lived it and know it.  It is possible to live the supernatural provision of God of defeat of evil spirits and health and provion – but to get it you must understand how, why and what it is and what your part is. 

Having said that, because the presence of the spirits in rebellion to God fill this planet, you will not live heaven here – there are too many traps and too many enemies, but you can get a good life and be useful to God and know and experience God in a profound way….IF YOU BELIEVE IT, WANT IT, WILL SEEK IT AND DO IT.

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